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Parent App

The itslearning parent app allows guardians to be involved in their child's academic progress and displays the resources and assignments your children are working on in different subjects.

Calendar view

Automatically puts together a weekly view of the child's lesson plans, resources, and events.

Task View

Allows you to see all the tasks your child will be working on, and it can be sorted into different categories: active,
overdue, without deadline or

Course view

Choose a subject and get an overview of the information that is available in that specific course. Parents can see plans, resources assessment record and learning-objectives progress report.


Guardian Involvement

Learn the benefits of involving the guardian in their children's education

  • Leads to better academic achievement
  • Results in higher attendance
  • Enhances school-to-parent communication
  • Creates a friendly school culture
  • Improves behaviour
  • Develops children's self-confidence and motivates the class

Discover how to get the most out of the parent app

The app is ideal for monitoring your children's academic development in a single location. It is easily navigable and accessible anytime, anywhere.



The impact of parental involvement on children's academic lives

Guardians, along with teachers, play an important role in children's school lives. The advantages extend beyond the classroom and into their adult lives.

Read our blog post to learn more ›

Download the itslearning parent app
